MY SIMPLE LIVE ONLINE TEACHING SETUP I got some very rewarding feedback after publishing a blog post about my video production setup. Therefore, I decided to share what I use…
About Zentangle supplies and everything that you might use in Zentangle Inspired Art.
MY SIMPLE LIVE ONLINE TEACHING SETUP I got some very rewarding feedback after publishing a blog post about my video production setup. Therefore, I decided to share what I use…
MY SIMPLE VIDEO PRODUCTION SETUP I know that many of my friends from the Zentangle community want to learn more about this topic. There are many questions that I get,…
ZENTANGLE 101 Since I started the 100 Days of Zentangle project, I have been asked all kinds of questions about Zentangle and tangling. Therefore, I prepared several Zentangle 101 videos…
MY FAVORITE SUPPLIES What are your favorite supplies? This is a question I get asked very often so this blog post is probably long overdue. I am happy to share…
TRANSLUCENT TILES Zentangle has just launched a new supply - translucent tiles! They are a part of the new Project Pack and they're really fun to use. Zentangle calls them…
SHADING SUPPLIES: REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATIONS There is always a lot to be said about the shading supplies in the Zentangle® community, actually about all supplies. Which is kind of an…
CREATE BACKGROUND WITH INK OR WATERCOLORS - WET ON WET TECHNIQUE Just a few days ago I posted a drawing created on an inked in background, the type I used…
WHITE PENS AND PENCILS: REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATIONS Reviewing white pens and pencils is not a new topic for me. You might have seen it on my Facebook profile before. But…
ZENTANGLE SUPPLIES - PAPER TILES The more you dive into the creative experience, the more you’ll be interested in supplies and Zentangle paper tiles are one of the key supplies. …
PASTEL PENCILS Pastel pencils are not a part of basic Zentangle supplies but they have found their way into Zentangle. Which ones are the best? What if I already have…